Friday, June 06, 2008

D i s t e m p e r

Canine distemper is a paramyxovirus, which appear very similar to the paramyxovirus causing human measles. The virus in the canine can affect a wide range of organs including the skin, brain, eyes, intestinal and respiratory tracts. The virus is transmitted through the air in addition to body secretions such as urine. Dogs of any age can be affected, however, most are puppies less than 6 months of age.

What are the symptoms?

Thickened and hard foot pad on a dog, typical of canine distemperDistemper virus can affect many systems of the body. The most common signs are nasal and eye discharge, coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, and seizures. Mildly affected dogs may only cough and be misdiagnosed as "kennel cough." Others may develop pneumonia. Puppies that recover may have severe enamel damage. The nose and foot pads of the young dog may become thickened, hence the nickname "hardpad disease."

What are the risks?

Teeth with a loss of enamel due to distemperDistemper is serious and can spread rapidly through a kennel, especially if unvaccinated individuals are present. Not all patients will die, however, a significant number may. Dogs of every age are susceptible, however, the very young and old have the highest death rate. Death rates may be as high as 75%. It is erroneously believed by some that all older dogs have a natural immunity. Although some may have immunity, many do not. Patients that recover from distemper may suffer permanent damage to vision as well as the nervous system. Puppies which recover can have severely mottled teeth due to abnormalities of the developing enamel.

How is canine distemper treated and prevented?

There is no specific treatment for canine distemper. Therapy is largely supportive. Intravenous fluids are administered to prevent dehydration. Anti-seizure medications can be used if neurologic signs develop.

Excellent vaccines have been developed to prevent distemper. The vaccines have been widely used for many years and have made significant strides in reducing the frequency of this disease. In the past, vaccines comprised of the human measles virus were occasionally utilized as a preventive. Using measles vaccines is a seldom practiced procedure today. Excellent vaccines with minimal side effects are available to give to puppies and dogs of every age. It must be emphasized that many older dogs do not develop a life long immunity to distemper. The vaccinations should be given yearly for life.



Distemper adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus yang menyerang hewan dalam keluarga Canidae, Mustelidae, Mephitidae, Procyonidae dan kemungkinan Felidae. Radius penyebarannya dapat mencakup seluruh dunia, cara penularan penyakit ini melalui sentuhan, dan udara. Biasanya menyerang anjing pada usia muda dan anjing dewasa yang daya tahan tubuhnya tidak baik. Penyakit ini memiliki angka kematian yang tertinggi , yakni 80% penderita.

Gejala-gejalanya antara lain demam, gelisah, tidak nafsu makan, mencret, keluar cairan ingus, batuk dan radang paru-paru. Kadang ditemukan bintik-bintik merah pada kulit perut. Tanda-tanda pada syaraf meliputi kejang otot, kejang gagau, dan kelumpuhan.

Penangganan dan Pengobatan

Berdasarkan pengalaman selama ini, penanganan adalah sebagai berikut :

  1. Pertama pisahkan sesegera mungkin anjing tersebut dari anjing2 piaraan lainnya (penyebaran virus melalui udara).
  2. Tempatkan anjing tersebut ditempat yang hangat dan mempunyai sirkulasi udara yang baik (Exhaust).
  3. Berikan makanan yang lunak (bubur) dan bergizi (peradangan usus).

Antibiotik (disesuaikan dosisnya dengan berat badan), pengalaman kami, kami memberikan Pien Tse Huang (1 biji dibuat 6 atau 8 Capsul, tergantung berat badan) sehari 2x, efek samping obat ini adalah pada ginjal. Anjing harus diberi minum yang banyak.

..."Agar anjing minum terus, letakan garam kasar sebutir dibawah lidahnya"...

Untuk mencegah penyakit distemper disarankan agar anjing divaksinasi pada umur 2 bulan, diulangi umur 3 bulan dan 1 tahun.
