Friday, June 27, 2008
would she make it...??
update Monday, 7th July 2008
We had made the full body wheel support for her!
She was picked up from the clinic on Saturday, 5th July 2008 and brought her back to her home.
She look happy to be back home, she stop crying, look stronger, she can put her own head up, can eat and can drink
After the vaccination, one with the front leg limp, one with both behind and front legs limps.
NUNUT.. that how they call her.
She was the strong one, cheers, active, now only can lay down on the floor.
She cant no longer pull her body with her both front leg.
She cant no longer put her head up
She is like exhausted..
Is she giving up..??
I was there yesterday night, to bring her a roll bed, thought that she is still like the latest condition on last Sunday, when she still struggle to pull her body to move around.
Sad to see her, cant move the whole body now, cant even stand her head up, both front legs are no more strength, now my roller bed are no longer can be use for her.
She keeps on crying for attention, when i came over near her and pet her, she was stop crying.
When her nose smell water on my hand, she directly licking my hand.. so sad..
She was crying also because she is thirsty... but she cant scream it out for us to understand and she cant stand on her own to get some water...
Hiks hiks...
Im planning to make a stand up 4 wheels support to support whole of her body and head, but do i have enough time...???
I dont know what to expect.. to let her suffer like this all the time, or to set her free..??
I dont dare to get any of conclusion..
I dont know what to do..
I asked him last night, Pak Tri, to make this kind of wheel support right away today... but only God know would he really spend time to make that or not.. sigh...
Would she b able to make it..??
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Publication will help!
This worked!
Publication needed to gather more help.. back than, quite new concerned contacted
Gigih Menyelamatkan 50 Ekor Anjing Terlantar
Iwan Setiawan
Source: Pet-House, edisi 42 Volume IV/6
Ketika Rumah Singgah Anjing Telantar
Emmy Kuswandari
JAKARTA-Tidak mudah menemukan secarik alamat di belakang Mal Taman Anggrek. Saya harus menyusuri jalan berkelok, menyempit, dan padat penduduk. Kawasan itu termasuk daerah kumuh di belakang gedung-gedung megah di Jakarta Barat. Anak-anak kecil membuntuti di belakang mobil. Sesekali mereka mengetuk badan mobil.
Beruntung, pencarian itu tidak berlangsung lama. Melewati deretan rumah di gang sempit, sampai pulalah di rumah berpagar bambu rapat. Meski sudah menyiapkan diri bakal menjumpai belasan hingga puluhan anjing di tempat yang dituju, tak kurang saya mesti mepet ke tembok dan naik ke tangga kayu untuk menghindari anjing-anjing yang naik-naik hingga ke pundak dan tangan. Mereka menyalak dan mencakar di baju dan celana panjang.
Panggilan dari sang pemilik pun tak digubris anjing-anjing tersebut. Baru setelah mereka berpencar ke seluruh ruangan, saya turun dan menyalami Triyono dan Yan Hidayat yang selama ini mengurus 40-50 anjing telantar sejak empat tahun terakhir ini.
Rumah yang selama ini mereka diami terasa sangat pengap dengan penghuni yang sekian banyak. Salak anjing memenuhi semua sudut rumah. Belum lagi di bagian depan, rumah dari papan tersebut digunakan untuk usaha sablon. Bentangan kain dan alat-alat sablon memenuhi tempat itu. Anugrah Sejahtera Abadi atau ASA Promotion nama tempat usaha itu.
Berawal empat tahun lalu, ketika Triyono menemukan satu-dua anjing yang telantar di jalan lalu dipungut dan dipelihara.
Karena jumlahnya masih sedikit, anjing-anjing itu dibiarkan bermain dengan anjing kampung lainnya.
Tak lama kemudian, jumlahnya berkembang dengan cepat, karena sekali beranak mencapai 4-7 ekor sekaligus. ”Kalau tidak diminta orang untuk dipelihara, sekarang jumlahnya mungkin sudah 70-an,” ujarnya.
Setiap harinya Triyono harus mengeluarkan Rp 50.000 untuk membeli tulang dan ikan asin. Tulang-tulang itu direbus dan kuahnya dicampur dengan nasi, terutama untuk makanan utama anjing.
Sementara itu, ikan asin untuk makanan tujuh ekor kucing yang rukun hidup satu rumah dengan puluhan anjing. Pemberian makan cukup sederhana. Rebusan kuah dicampur setampah nasi dan tulang-tulang itu ditumbuk untuk campurannya.
“Berat sebetulnya bagi kami kalau tiap hari mengeluarkan uang sekian banyak. Belum lagi kalau ada anjing yang sakit,” ujar Yan menimpali, rekan Triyono.
Meski seorang dokter hewan yang berlokasi tidak terlalu jauh dari rumahnya sering menyuruh Yan tidak membayar biaya berobat, tetapi lama-kelamaan, ia sungkan juga. Kondisi anjing-anjing di sana relatif baik, tidak kutuan, bulunya juga cukup bersih, hanya tampak beberapa anjing yang kondisinya agak mengkhawatirkan, kurus kurang makan dan gizi karena kalah berebut.
Pernah ada 1 ekor yang kondisinya sangat memprihatinkan dan memilukan, tubuhnya kurus, tulang-tulangnya mencuat berbalutkan kulit, tidak mampu berdiri dan berjalan lagi.
“Anjing itu ketakutan karena sering dikeroyok, akibatnya dia tidak dapat makanan. Sudah berhari-hari tidak makan, sampai lemah seluruh badannya, dan ia tidak bisa jalan. Syaraf-syarafnya mungkin sudah kaku, sehingga untuk berdiri, tulang belakangnya sudah bengkok, “jelas Triyono.
Dia menjelaskan bahwa seorang simpatisan {
Meski jumlahnya puluhan, masing-masing anjing itu mempunyai nama panggilan. Triyono atau Yan mengenal baik kebiasaan masing-masing. Snoopy adalah betina pertama yang mereka temukan. Snoopy pula yang usianya paling tua, kurang lebih empat tahun. Sekali beranak bisa tujuh ekor.
Chepy, Belang, Gombloh adalah nama-nama yang mereka berikan. ”Tapi ada pula beberapa yang belum sempat diberi nama,” kata Yan.
Yan mengaku meski terbebani secara finansial, tetapi sebetulnya berat hatinya harus berpisah dengan anjing-anjing yang sudah sekian lama dipeliharanya. ”Pernah ada satu ekor yang diminta orang, tetapi ternyata dibunuh untuk diambil dagingnya. Saya tahunya dari mimpi. Anjing itu datang kembali ke rumah ini,” papar Yan. Setelah dicek, ternyata anjing itu tinggal nama.
Yan akan merelakan kalau anjing yang dipeliharanya dijadikan penjaga sekolah atau gereja. Sejauh ini sudah tujuh anjing yang berjasa sebagai penjaga. Ia memang berharap kalau anjing-anjing di rumahnya bisa berkurang jumlahnya karena dirawat di rumah lain.
Bukan hanya satu-dua orang yang ingin membeli semua anjing itu untuk dijadikan makanan khas. “Biar kami tidak mampu, saya kok tidak rela anjing-anjing itu dibunuh,” ujar Yan.
Kendala yang dihadapi bukan cuma finansial. Agar jumlah anjingnya tidak bertambah, dibantu dari simpatisan, beberapa anjing jantan sudah dikastrasi, yaitu operasi kecil sterilisasi di klinik Depok. Para dokter hewan yang mengerjakan juga turut membantu dengan hanya meminta biaya penggantian obat-obatan dan benang.
Yang membebani pikiran Triyono dan Yan selepas lebaran nanti, rumah yang mereka tempati akan digusur. Bulan Oktober adalah batas terakhir. Rencananya mereka mengontrak tanah di daerah Ceper, Tangerang.
”Mereka pun tetap akan kami bawa kalau tidak ada penampungan hewan atau rumah tangga yang mau menampung. Tapi kami berharap, menjelang Oktober nanti jumlahnya tidak sebanyak ini lagi. Kalau harus memelihara 10-15 ekor kami masih sanggup, tapi kalau 40-50 ekor, rasanya kok kewalahan,” ujar Triyono.
Sources: Sinar Harapan
Monday, June 16, 2008
Help Them to Survive..?!
Latest Update, Monday, 23rd June 2008
Vet. Christ was there yesterday, done vaccination for 25 dogs, with help of his 2 assistant.
also gave vitamins and medicine for at least 3 dogs, 2 of them already got distemper.
One of the very sick one is Nunut, she was like the queen of all the genk.. sad to see her cant walk, also she keep crying loud, like she is crying out asking every one..
...why.. why... why i cant move my leg?
why i cant run anymore?
what stopping me..
Nunut struggle to survive, she is still very strong and eager to survive, with her 2 front leg, she is still trying to move her whole body.
I ask Pak Tri to make her some wheel base to support her back legs, i made some design and throw him some ideas..
Nunut cant put to sleep! her spirit will keep her to survive, and soon or later, she will discovery her way to again be active, and try to have a normal life.
The other one, male medium size, he is having seizure, and his right front leg is starting to get weak.. but he is still know how to support his body with his 3 other legs.
hope he is getting more strong to be able again move his right front leg.
Thnx much to Vet. Christ, who already put so much attention, effort and also his donation.
He only charge IDR 85.000 each dog for the vaccination i/o charging IDR 100.000
No other cost that he charge, like his fee, his transport, the medicine or vitamins.
Some how i have my guilt, why i can help Nunut earlier... if only Pak Tri told me earlier... sigh... :-<
Latest Update, Sunday, 22nd June 2008
The Vaccination will be scheduled today, vet. Chris will try to be there around 11 am, at Pak Tri's place, address at Jl. Keadilan No.18, Daan Mogot Km.22.
Our latest donatur will be no. 5 and 2.
Total IDR 1.6 mil.
to b continued...
Latest Update, Thurs, 19th June 2008
Got 2 more, thnx to ID no.4 and 6, total IDR 1.05 mil
many thnx to all..!! but it aint stop here, still need some more.
Latest Update, Wed, 18th June 2008
Just confirmed by Pak tri, currently there are 26 dogs and 12 cats.
So far, many thnx to ID no. 1, 3, and 9, already got ur's the donation.
Back on last year June, I met Pak Tri & Pak Yan {reference article - Sinar Harapan}
They both showing much care for dogs and cats around their neighborhoods, first was behind Taman Anggrek Apartment, Grogol.
Its place wasn't a fancy place for these dogs and cats, its quite slum and small.
They are not some over wealth rich people as well..!!
Started like only 2 or 3, now become like around 50 dogs and cats... phew..!!
Short brief of what have been done to help them:
- Adoption for adult and puppies, around 15 dogs already got new home.
- Dry food, shampoo, medicine, even not regularly supplied for them.
- Publish his story on Hobby magazine and daily news paper, for more donation forwarded to his dogs and cats.
- Neutered for male dogs, like 8 dogs already.
- When there were Parvo disease came over them, we brought vet to vaccines all dogs.
- Took 5 dogs that already got early Parvo, and put them in care, all 5 are survived!
- Maintain only left like 30 dogs during last Sept 2007.
- Saved 1 valued live from a critical condition {reference}
NOW.. the story continued, with more dogs due to growth population of their female dogs.
perhaps now already again gain to 50 dogs, not to mention their cats.
lasted issue that he is facing now, most probably now haunted with DISTEMPER disease.
already got 2 death, and other 2 are like having nerve problem, cant walk proper.
I already contacted the previous vet, Kris, he is having his clinic at Bintaro, who gave them help to do vaccine of parvo {reference}
He is willing to again come over to their place and do it, with the minimum charged, thought he him self will try to give discounted charge, still we will need advance cash.
According to him, approx price would be like Rp 100.000 for each dog.
Pheeeeew.....!! will need approx 5 mil.... sigh...
Would dear reader would like to help??
Pl contact me direct for fund raising, or any other detail information that u required, simply drop a comment on my blog and ur kind contact detail, like phone number, email, etc, than I ll get back to u with all details.
Before I publish your comment on my blog, ur personal contact info will be deleted, such as email, addresses, phone number, etc. Therefore all these personal info will be available to me only and no other reader will not be able to read them.
or.. sms me directly on 62 815 130 12113 for detail info.
The receipt will be publish on my blog as written proven that the incoming fund really used for their sake.
On behalf of Pak Tri & Pak Yan Doggies and Cats,
thanking u all in advance for ur kind attention, support and help.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
She love me? She loves me not...!?
Horaaay… !!!
These human took me out of this jail!!
I said good bye to all my friend on that display shop.
Im going home with these human.
I hope they are nice to me, maybe I can meet my mom again out there.
I miss her soo much… i only knew her for 1 month.
Than now, after being here for 1 months, something was not right happening to me.
I started can feel my right front leg, made me difficult to walk and stand proper.
I always cry, try to tell these human what is going on..?
Even worst now sometime I shake my head, neck, it feel like all my right body is twitch and moved by it self..
Im so worried of what could goes wrong to me, sometime I vomit too..
Its been 2 months I’ve got this condition.
And these human are not really showing their attention to me anymore.
They started to unlike me, sometime I heard that they don’t want me anymore just because of my condition which is less than prefect.
Don’t they know im sick? Should they showing more attention and love to tcare of me?
Today I met this young lady, she looked me in the eyes, and she promised me that she will take me out of this place, and make me be ok again!
I heard she said something like distemper, that I’ve got distemper disease but Im the survived one, that’s why my right nerve got something wrong.
She also said that when I growth bigger, I might be stronger to support my weight and can walk proper again like I used to.
Im not asking to be different, not asking to get sick, its not my fault that I ever got this disease, I already try to make these people happy by playing with them, and loyal to them.
I just wanna a home, with nice people who will love me til my end.
Im just a almost cripple puppy now, and that’s why these people wanna to throw me out of their home when I need them most, when Im sick…?
I pray that she will again come back to pick me, before these human here really throw me out of this house.
I wonder if any human out there really read this story of mine, than showing their compassion for a sick puppy like me…?
Friday, June 13, 2008
GONE to a better place
He was so lucky to be found and taken cared since after... flash back on June 2007.
Actually found by a kind hearted quite old lady, at corner of street near her house, around Grogol area.
At her neighborhoods, stays a friend of mine that also caring for stray dogs, some cases were solved with her helped, and thats where the story started.
First been found, he was just like a new born baby... cover with blood over his kind of fresh meat like burn wouded, most of his fur were gone..
Than after like 1 month the old lady been taking care of him, didn't go to any veterinary yet, she was just trying all the effort she can, like gave him Chinese medicine, some lotion to stop his bleeding, etc.
When i first met him..
He was still so much giving respond as frighten with people around him.
The lasy said, his condition now were much much better than when she first found him.
Now.. most part of his body was still with out fur, thought still can see a fresh red flesh, still with some bleeding on it, only at some part of his wet wounded.
His back side of body was like open wounded, almost can see his bone, also his tail... just complete white color mix with dirt dried blood on it.
His head was cover by pass n all wounded, dirt and dried blood, he was like wearing a thin layer of a gray mask.
He still can barely stand up.
His right leg was injured, made him walk a bit limp.
His both ears like fill up by pass than make him loose his balance.
His right eye was also cover by pass, seems he cant see clearly.
His below body on his left leg was also injured badly and pass will coming out n it was still wet, yellowish and blood reddish color mixed.
He was slowly started to gain his confident around me.
Started to learn how to take food from my hand, started to eat the sausage, and started to stand up. He again remember how to wave his tail when i was around him.
I even cant take him to vet yet, since his body was still having blood all over his below body & his back body.
I had great worried came over me, scare to bring him over to vet to check his condition and do treatment on him, worried that later easily those vet would tell us to put him to sleep!
That Saturday morning, i came with my hubby to the lady house, with cage prepare for him.
He was much happier looking, much energized, his courage to stay alive was shown back!
Than we took him to vet at Tebet, Drh. Silvi was willing to taking him in her care.
He was there for 1 week, than we took him out and drop him at Gandul, with separated room from other dogs.
This days... he was much much healthier, much cleaner, much happier...!!!
Due to his earn infection also his below body wounded were keep on wet, he needed to keep on his treatment, he went to other vet near Gandul.
Mrs.Nancy, at Parung shelter, touched by his story, and wish to take care of him personally.
Than he was there with Mrs.Nancy, full of attention, love, and cares... so happy for him!
The happiness for him, didn't last for long sadly... he died after 3 months... he died when he gain so much love from us, when he again became one happy dog who know how play again with us.
Not really sure why it happened, vet said stuff like.. his immune system was already destroyed, can protect him no more.
At least he died with people who loved him around him
No one ever know exactly what caused him so much pain like that
We only can guess what happened with out clear notify
Nothin we can do except to try our best to help him found his happiness again thought was not for a long time..